A LOCAL COMPLAINTS COMMITTEE (LCC) has been set up to receive complaints of sexual harassment of women in the work place.
Dr. Lina Sen, Associate Professor, Dept of Bengali (Mob. 9830037809) is the Convenor of the Committee.
The Nodal Person of the LCC is Dr. Sankalita Ghosh, Assistant Professor, Dept of Philosophy (Mob. 9830037809; E-mail: )
Four COMPLAINT BOXES for grievances have already been set up and regularly checked so as to speed up the process of redressal if required.
An Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) has been set up under the Teachers Council to deal with the complaints filed under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013. Complaints to the Committee can be lodged in person to the Convenor of the Committee or can be dropped in the Drop Box located outside the Principal's chamber or through our email or online portal. The procedure is based on the principles of natural justice. The college has also constituted a Gender Sensitization Committee against sexual harassment. Complaints can be lodged once again either physically or through our e-mail or online portal.
Committee Members
To see the recent order issued by the Principal of Bidhannagar College, related to the Internal Complaint Committee CLICK HERE
Contact us:
Online Portal: Sexual Harassment Complain Portal